Jonathan Wells Iconoclast and Molecular and Cell Biologist

Jonathan Wells

Iconoclast and Molecular and Cell Biologist

Jonathan Wells has received two Ph.D.s, one in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California at Berkeley, and one in Religious Studies from Yale University. A Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, he has previously worked as a postdoctoral research biologist at the University of California at Berkeley and the supervisor of a medical laboratory in Fairfield, California. He also taught biology at California State University in Hayward and continues to lecture on the subject.

Dr. Wells has published articles in Development, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, BioSystems, The Scientist and The American Biology Teacher. He is the author of Charles Hodge’s Critique of Darwinism (Edwin Mellen Press, 1988), Icons of Evolution: Why much of what we teach about evolution is wrong(Regnery Publishing, 2000), The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design (Regnery, 2006), and The Myth of Junk DNA (Discovery Institute Press, 2011). He is also co-author with William Dembski of The Design of Life (FTE, 2008). His latest book, Zombie Science (Discovery Institute Press, 2017), shows how evolutionary theory — “though empirically dead” — continues to stalk our scientific and educational institutions.

Dr. Wells is currently doing research and writing on developmental information in embryos that is outside of, and inherited independently of, their DNA.

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Zombie Science

In 2000, biologist Jonathan Wells took the science world by storm with Icons of Evolution, a book showing how biology textbooks routinely promote Darwinism using bogus evidence — icons of evolution like Ernst Haeckel’s faked embryo drawings and peppered moths glued to tree trunks. Critics of the book complained that Wells had merely gathered up a handful of innocent textbook errors and blown them out of proportion.

Now, in Zombie Science, Wells asks a simple question: If the icons of evolution were just innocent textbook errors, why do so many of them still persist? Science has enriched our lives and led to countless discoveries. But now, Wells argues, it’s being corrupted. Empirical science is devolving into zombie science, shuffling along unfazed by opposing evidence. Discredited icons of evolution rise from the dead while more icons — equally bogus — join their ranks. Like a B horror movie, they just keep coming! Zombies are make believe, but zombie science is real — and it threatens not just science, but our whole culture. Is there a solution? Wells is sure of it, and points the way.

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